iPad Pilot Program » IPad Pilot Phase 2

IPad Pilot Phase 2

In phase 2 of the pilot there are 25 teachers who have chosen one of more of their classes to be a part of this pilot. Students in these classes will be given an iPad for academic use. Throughout the semester and year, teachers will integrate the iPads into their lessons, as well as help students learn how to be a "digital citizen." 

The teachers and classes are listed below:

Teacher Class
Mrs. Atkus ILRP English
Mrs. Atkus & Mr. Denton English 3 (team taught)
Mr. Cryan Algebra I Honors & College Algebra Stat
Mr. Denton English 3
Mr. DiFilippo & Ms. Elmasry World History (ELL)
Mr. Faro Electronics & Electricity
Mr. Gerny Reading Strategies
Mr. Haberstat Chrale
Mr. Kahriman AP World History & Reading Strategies
Mrs. Keefe Intro to Anatomy
Ms. Kerrigan Beginnning ESL
Mr. Kuchyt World History
Mrs. Long LRP Geometry Concepts
Mrs. Newton Algebra Block
Mrs. Nickless Reading Strategies
Mr. Repa AP Physics
Mrs. Sampson AP Calculus
Mrs. Sampson & Mrs. Mellone Algebra Block
Mr. Stow & Mrs Atkus Biology Concepts
Mrs. Strelow Geometry
Ms. Tyeptanar & Ms. McGlynn Algebra Block
Mr. Wagner & Mrs. Elmasry Billingual Health
Mrs. Wargin Photography & Extreme Art
Mrs. Wong Spanish 4 Honors

Approximately 600 students received iPads each semester. Students in a yearlong course will keep the iPad for the entire school year. Students in a semester course will turn in their iPads at the end of the semester.
Students were given an iPad and training during the first two weeks of the school year. Students and their parent/guardian are required to sign an Acceptable Use Policy before students can be given an iPad. This policy outlines what students are allowed and not allowed to do with the iPads.
iPads will be treated similar to how textbooks are treated, students will be checked out a specific device while they are enrolled in the pilot course. When the course is over, the student is required to return the iPad to the school. There are no financial obligations for this pilot program unless a student loses or damages their iPad.