District pages » Spartan Educational Foundation

Spartan Educational Foundation

Fundraiser for Senior Scholarships


2024/2025 Meeting Schedule
Start time 8am - Board Room 119

Friday, September 6, 2024
Friday, October 4, 2024
Friday, November 1, 2024
Friday, February 7, 2025
Friday, April 4, 2025
Friday, May 2, 2025

Over the past years the Spartan Educational Foundation has awarded over 95 scholarships to graduating seniors of Oak Lawn Community High School at $1,500 per scholarship. In addition, the Spartan Educational Foundation has awarded close to $60,000 in mini-grants to Oak Lawn Community High School staff for classroom projects that have provided innovative learning opportunities for students at Oak Lawn Community High School.


Mission Statement
The mission of the Foundation is to support continuation of education by acknowledging the achievement of Oak Lawn Community High School graduates through annual scholarships. The Foundation can provide resources for educational programs and activities that enhance the quality of education and  provide students and staff with additional learning opportunities.  


The Foundation is a non-profit, tax-exempt organization. It is a separate entity from Oak Lawn Community High School District 229 governed by its own Board of Trustees. Foundation board members are community and business leaders, alumni and parents who donate their time and talents. The Foundation is a forum for individuals and organizations to demonstrate their financial support to the District in order to ensure the continuation of a high quality of programs and services for the District's young men and women. 

   Board Members

John Hickey Chairman
Karyn Horn Vice Chairman
Maria Vanderwarren Secretary
Joseph McCurdy Treasurer
Dr. Shahe Bagdasarian Member
Tom Flynn Member
Jim Gaskill Member
Phil McGee Member
Brian McCarty Member
Noreen Mitchell Member
Susan Othman Member
Laura Shallow Member

Contact Us
If you need more information, contact Maria Vanderwarren at (708) 741-5602 or email at [email protected].


 2024 Scholarship Sponsors/Winners

Oak Lawn Raiders Memorial Scholarship
Kyle Brennan
Emily Kupres
Megan Hurckes Scholarship Foundation Natalie Moyer
Charles Yara Memorial Scholarship
(on behalf of Brian & Sandra McCarty-Class of '72
Neo Martin
Oak Lawn Park District Scholarship Harrison Brandt
Spartan Education Faculty Fund Elizabeth Concannon
Spartan Education Scholarship Fund
Anna Driscoll
Julia Galas
Emeen Hamad
Natalie Orozco
Maya Quinonez