iPad Pilot Program » IPad Pilot Phase 1

IPad Pilot Phase 1

18 teachers were given iPads to explore the usefulness of the tool in their classrooms. They went through a 2-day training session provided by Apple on how to use the devices to create presentations, various Apple Apps, and share information between iPads. This group continued training throughout the year. By 2015 this group will have received a total of 8 days of Apple direct instruction. The pilot group met on a bi-weekly basis to discuss the pilot program.

The teachers that participated in Phase I of the Pilot Program are:
Mrs. Wargin works with a student in her Photography I class

  • Mrs. Atkus – Special Education
  • Mrs. Black – Family and Consumer Science
  • Mrs. Casey – Physical Education
  • Mr. Cryan - Math
  • Mr. Faro – Industrial Technology
  • Mr. Fiene - Math
  • Mr. Haberstat - Music
  • Ms. Jones – Media Specialist
  • Mr. Kahriman – Social Science and English
  • Mrs. Keefe – Science
  • Mr. Kuchyt – Social Science
  • Ms. Perras - English
  • Mr. Repa - Science
  • Mrs. Rumel – Special Education
  • Mrs. Strelow - Math
  • Mr. Wagner – Physical Education
  • Mrs. Wargin - Art
  • Mrs. Wong – Foreign Language

There were 3 padlocked iPad carts of 30 student devices. These carts traveled throughout the day between the classrooms of the pilot teachers on a set schedule of pre-selected courses. Students in these courses only used the iPads during the school day, and only in the selected courses. There was no process to allow students to check them out or take them outside of the classroom.

In May 2014, iPad Student Focus Group was created. Mrs. Lietz, Assistant Principal, Mrs. Meyers, Instructional Technology Coach and Mr. Magdziasz, IT Director, met with students from Phase I to discuss their experiences with the iPad in the classroom. This group will continue to meet in the 2014-2015 school year.

The district used anecdotal information, along with student pre and post assessments to determine if they were ready to progress to Phase 2.

Mrs. Strelow assists students in her Geometry class Mrs. Strelow assists students in her Geometry class