Stuff You Need to Know
Breakfast items are now available in the Spartan Lobby from 8:00am-8:25am and from 8:50am – 9:15am on Wednesdays. The price of the complete breakfast meal will either be Free, Reduced ($.30) or Paid ($3.50). A complete breakfast meal includes one entree and a minimum of one, up to two sides (unless otherwise marked). In addition to the complete meal, a la carte items such as breakfast bars, granola bars, etc. will also be available for purchase. Be ready to show your ID and please eat your breakfast BEFORE the start of your first period. Keep an eye out for the breakfast cart in the Spartan Lobby!
Students that need a locker, school issued lock or any other locker related issues, email [email protected]. See your email for further details.
Ventra Cards are now available for sale in the Business Office, Room 123. Cost is $2.00. If you’ve already purchased a card online, please pick it up in the Business Office. Business Office hours are 7:30am – 3:30pm. Plan accordingly! You will not be excused from class to pick up/purchase a card.
Tech Help - If you’re having trouble logging into your classes or having any other tech issues, please email [email protected] for tech assistance. If possible, include a screenshot of your issue.
Club/Team News
The following clubs will be taking group photos after school today starting at 3:05pm in the Dance Studio:
- National Honors Society
- Anime-Sci-Fi
- Muslim Student Association
- Arabic Honors Society
- Black Student Union
- World Languages
- Chess
- Bible Club
- Student Helpers
- Peer-Tutor Club
- Makeup Day
Student Services
Juniors, OLCHS is hosting the March 9th SAT. There is still time and room to sign up. If you would like to try this new digital version of the SAT, sign up on College Board, or see your school counselor for help signing up.
Need service hours? There are great opportunities happening this Friday, 2/23!
- Decorate and serve snacks at the Oak Lawn Park District Mardi Gras Mambo dance at the Pavilion.
- Help with children’s activities at the Quran Blossoms Family Culture Night
- Serve concessions at St. Gerald BINGO
- Complete information and sign-ups for any of these events and more are on the Service Learning Calendar
Athletic News
Badminton - Attention students, if you are interested in playing badminton this upcoming season, please join us for our last open gym session TODAY from 3:15 to 5 in gym 10.
Tryouts will begin next Monday, February 26th! Freshmen will tryout from 3:15-5:15 and Sophomores, Juniors, and Seniors will tryout from 5:15-7:15. Please make sure you are registered on 8to18 and have an updated physical. If you have any questions, please reach out to Coach La Spina, Coach Shafer, or Coach Bielski!
Girls Soccer - If you are interested in in playing girls soccer this spring, we will have our final pre-season workouts Friday from 3:15 – 4:45 in Gym 10/101, or we will be outside if the weather permits. Proper attire and shin guards are required. Also Please be sure to register for girls’ soccer on the Oak Lawn Athletics Website and make sure you have had a physical within the last year. Please join the All-Girls Soccer Remind with the code @4d8fa or email Coach Faro [email protected] for more information.